
My codding journey...

I think I started just like a lot of people. I grew up playing video games with my brothers and we always wanted to make or own games. Just with that on mind, we all ended up doing completely different things.
One of my first experiences with programing was buying and using my first 3D printer. I was facinated with all you can do with some simple instructions given to the machine. After that a was able to build my first own computer. Working with the terminal just for fun made things even more interesting so i wanted to give it a try to everything software related.

My first program

Back to December of 2022, I was working in a place like a warehouse. I had to paste shipping labels into packages to latter be shipped, the rest of the time I was sittimg on a computer updating the state of the packages that we were receiving.
We had to enter into a site to look for those packages and then update the state of each one, one by one, to received. That was the most boring activify I ever did on my life, then I was delighted with the idea to make a program that could do that automaticly for me.
I started a course online on how to use Python and about two months later, I made my first program capable of doing what I wanted.

image of a pythin program made on pycharm

It took time

It took me so much time but I was so happy becasuse I was able to make my first fully working program.
It was made with GSpred to use Google Sheets as my UI to give all the data to the program, and Selenium to automate the process on the web browser. You can barely see om the image the amount of files that I made just to test every aspect of the program. I needed it to work perfectly fine because I was making that program for evetyone, but nobody kneew I was doing it, so before someone else usiong it, or even using it with real data, I had to make sure it wasn't going to make a mess.